Sunday, January 12, 2014

The Final Two in the Lady Mechatronic Series

I figured you guys were getting tired of my endless Ramblings on every single book in the Lady Mechatronic series. So, instead I finished the series and am combining the two reviews into one! Cue the audience applause, and the magician's assistant going Ta-Da!

Anyway, the fifth book was Lady Mechatronic and the Bordeaux Locked Room Mystery. By this time the series has begun to get a little repetitive with all of drama they get themselves into. There was a small change in the end without the happy and just ending, there was just an ending. Allowing for further adventures, and selfish characters getting their way.

The sixth and final book, Lady Mechatronic and the Steampunked Pharaoh. Truthfully, the character relationships between one another is admirable by the way they monitor and care for one another. Honestly, every reader knew how the book was going to end. But, if we are being honest with ourselves we all wanted the fairytale ending, it's the little girl inside of us coming out.

One thing I know is that this series is an acquired taste, it may not be for everyone. I understand that,
those without the taste can totally disagree with my reviews, so be it.

I cannot say this is a must read, but it is a nice quick series if you want to take a break from those books that tire you mentally, emotionally, or even physically from carrying it around in your bag so you have it whenever you get that free moment to spare to gorge upon.

Have you guys read any other quick series that your recommend? What do you think about taking a break from the serious side of literature?

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Lady Mechatronic and the Steampunked Kraken (Lady Mechatronic and the Steampunked Pirates #4) by Arabella Wyatt

So, most of this series so far has had a happy ending. But, this one not so much. It is more of a cliff hanger ending, which is different. No idea whether or not I like it, I guess it's like every cliff hanger you get pissed off and it really matters which path is goes on.

Also, Lady Mechatronic is acting more and more human. This is the book, probably the first one so far in the series which you could create a diagnostic essay on human nature, culture, so on and so forth. Is love--or really any emotions--what causes us to act the way we do? We really can't create any opinions on what is or is not the best solution to problems and the events of the day-to-day grind. We do what we want.

At least that is what I a
m taking out of this book, and personally I take it as a compliment. I do not want to be a computer. Emotionless, soulless, uninquisitive, and loose the magic of the unknown. Where would my imagination be? My Rambling would probably be categorized as run-on sentences with incongruent relationships to the previous statements. I would fail being a computer. I'm proud of that fact.

"I" beep "Am" beep "A" beep "Robot" beet. [Insert whirring and buzzing noises here]. It may be fun to pretend to be a robot when we're little. But what about now?

Would you prefer to be a human wracked with emotions or a robot? What did you take away from this book? Will you read this series? Any other mind-blowing ideas you have, leave them in the comment section below. Ramble to you later! 

Monday, January 6, 2014

Lady Mechatronic on the Cannibal island (Lady Mechatronic and the Steampunked Pirates #3) by Arabella Wyatt

So this may be my longest Rambling that has been cohesive and confusing about one topic. So award time to me, Longest Ramble ever goes to Caitlin Rambling (Please insert authoritative voice here). But now, I finally have an answer. So your long awaited answer is finally here, thank you for your patience. (That was a very redundant speech or build-up, I apologize for that).

I recommend this book, full-heartedly to any historical fiction lovers, romance chasers, action and adventure wannabes, science fiction stalkers, and steampunk wearers. Read this series. 

I believe my confusion and continued need to know the ending is what makes this a good book. If it gave it away in the first few pages, then that's just too easy. We all know books like that, when we know how it is going to end but we read it in hopes of a change, spur-of-the-moment catch-your-eye, 360 rotation, anything that will humor us in the mind-blowness of the end. However, I'm pretty sure it just fueled our smug-self of self-importance and intelligence. 

Anyway, back on the topic. This book may be short, but it is packed with unexpectedness, adventure, unknown, and anything your heart could desire. Let's not forget your eyes, the words and descriptions may not be poetry or Shakespeare content, but your eyes will swim through the perfectly placed adjectives, lace through the well-understood nouns, and dive into the sea of language.

Have you read this series, and what are your thoughts? Leave your ideas in the comment section below. Ramble to you later!

Sunday, January 5, 2014

Journey to Pirate's Cove (Lady Mechatronic and the Steampunked Pirates) #2 by Arabella Wyatt

These are very short books, so you can finish them quickly and easily if you choose to read this series.

So far my Rambling has some points but not many.

1. I believe my curiosity for how this new theme of steampunk is what is fueling my continuation of this series. I wouldn't necessarily describe it as steampunk though, its more of a clash-up with science fiction--aliens and all that jazz--romance, and steampunk. However, isn't the endless curiosity of a story what drives people to fall in love with series? Should I fully recommend this series or not? Maybe by the end of the third book, I'll finally have an answer.

2. The romance aspect--for you romantic types--is a good enough reason to pick up this series, because your hearts will fawn over them.

What is your take on this series? Would you pick it up or not? Leave your thoughts in the comments below. Ramble to you later.

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Lady Mechatronic and the Steampunked Pirates by Arabella Wyatt

Well it is an interesting take on the rising theme steampunk, not what I'm used to, and for once in my life my Rambling will have no actual clear cut idea. I cannot yet decide whether I like this form or not.

So my opinions on this book will be short and sweet, since I completed it in less then two hours. It's an interesting take and the story line is new.

My intrigue has motivated me to begin the second book in the series, I hope by the end of that book I will have finally made up my mind on whether or not to recommend this book.

Have you ever been indifferent or unsure about a book or series your reading? Have you ever continued a book just in hopes of making up your mind? Share your views, ideas, and comments in the comment section below. I'm interested in your thoughts. Ramble to you next time.

Friday, January 3, 2014

Jennifer Donnelly

I want to take a moment to discuss an author, who I find to be wildly under-appreciated: Jennifer Donnelly.

I know I can't possibly be the only aficionado of historical fiction, I love historical fiction, most of my personal library is made up of historical fiction novels. Which is why, I am always shocked when numerous people do not know who Jennifer Donnelly is either.

I received the book Revolution by Jennifer Donnelly as a Christmas present about four years ago. This book was absolutely incredible; the characters are interesting, the plot is attention grabbing, and the writing itself is beautiful. I didn't feel as though I was forcing my eyes upon the words to continue the story, since my eyes consumed every printed word on the pages. After that book, I was hooked.

With my new author obsession at my side, I did my research. Found out she had a trilogy previously published. I went to my local Barnes and Noble (really where else can I go now of days) and bought the first one. I completely and totally fell in love with this series and characters, I breezed through it. The Rose series, is historical fiction with breakthrough characters and tales in the late 1800s, starting in England. I recommend this book to any historical fiction fans, romance fans, or action adventure fans.

What are your thoughts on Jennifer Donnelly and do you have any underrated authors? Leave a comment below.